Pre-Forum Recap
Monday, November 13
Keynote Speaker

Tim Mazur is currently the Global Integrity and Compliance Investigator at Indivior, a pharmaceutical company. His career as a business ethicist spans 35 years. He spoke about the impact of ethics in the workplace. He talked about the concept of optimum profits versus maximum profits in business and explained that balance is vital. He emphasized leveraging positive ethical conduct and not only focusing on weaknesses of employees. Businesses should focus on total worker health in the workplace and create an environment where employees thrive and build on their strengths. Helping employees achieve their goals will help retain them. Employees have potential best unlocked by trusting and empowering them. He explained how values keep companies accountable and walked attendees through an exercise to choose values that outline business principles.
Mental and physical wellness continue to be top priorities for businesses and employees. Samin Dadelahi, President of the Wyoming Community Foundation, began with an introduction of the panel. Wyoming Business Alliance President Cindy DeLancey moderated this panel of industry experts who spke about building a company culture that will attract and retain top talent and increase efficiency and productivity
Special Viewing of A State of Mind, Confronting Our Mental Health Crisis in Wyoming

Joanna Kail is the CEO of Wyoming PBS and President of the PBS Foundation. She introduced 'A State of Mind: Confronting Our Mental Health Crisis in Wyoming,' a PBS documentary series that traces patient journeys, weaving expert interviews and man-on-the-street commentary to examine solutions to our mental health crisis.